While contracting with Frost Motion, I had the opportunity to design and create the look for Opkix’s sleek new mini cameras. Starting off with nothing more than the product engineering files (CAD files), we had to create the world that this futuristic product could live in. The priority was that it needed to feel natural, while enabling it to showcase it’s unique design, structure, and materials. I designed several look development style frames below and was involved in the production of the product video.
While contracting with Frost Motion, I had the opportunity to design and create the look for Opkix’s sleek new mini cameras. Starting off with nothing more than the product engineering files (CAD files), we had to create the world that this futuristic product could live in. The priority was that it needed to feel natural, while enabling it to showcase it’s unique design, structure, and materials. I designed several look development style frames below and was involved in the production of the product video.
Opkix, Arrow Electronics
Opkix, Arrow Electronics
Frost Motion
Frost Motion
Design Frames, 3D Animation, Rendering, Compositing
Design Frames, 3D Animation, Rendering, Compositing
After Effects, Cinema 4D, Arnold Renderer
After Effects, Cinema 4D, Arnold Renderer